Tai Chi
Fall- Summer Program - 6wk sessions. Mondays, 12:30pm-1:30pm. City Hall. Enjoy peace & tranquility. Learn the art of Tai Chi/Qi Gong one of the most effective ways to improve health, muscle tone, flexibility, focus/memory, balance & relaxation. Reduces stiffness and arthritis pain. Session Fee or drop-ins welcome.
Indoor Pickleball
Fall- Spring - last day of program April 26. Play moves to area outdoor courts. M, W, F, 9am - 11:30am Eddy Center - Ninth Street $2 drop-in. Local group information Bluewater Pickleball Club Facebook Page
Card Play
Tuesdays & Friday. Community Center Building, 308 S Fourth Street
Indoor Adult Lap Swim
Wednesdays , 5:45pm-7:15pm. Starting in October - May 8, St. Clair High School Indoor Pool. $2 drop-in. Lap swim continues at outdoor pool during the summer.